Tonight is the talent show that is a benefit for the Oakland 100. I'm excited. you should be there. bring a talent.
From 7-10 pm Friday March 19th at the EAST SIDE ARTS ALLIANCE
2277 International Blvd, Oakland CA, 94606
A safe stage for any body willing to show off what they can do.
also this weekend:
The community of Chaco Rio in the Navajo Nation (SW of Farmington, New Mexico) has been blockading entry to the site of a proposed 1,500 megawatt coal fired power plant since December of 2006. Desert Rock would be the third coal plant within a 20-mile radius in a region already suffering from extreme levels of toxic emissions.
Elouise Brown of Dooda Desert Rock will be visiting communities throughout California on an 11-day speaking and fund-raising tour.
Friday, March 19th - Stockton
10:00am at 10601 Escondido Place
hosted by CVMT
Friday, March 19th - Sacramento
7:00pm at the SacPeace Meeting Room - 909 12th St. (near 12th and I)
Saturday, March 20th - San Francisco
7:30pm at Women’s Building - 3543 18th St.
hosted by AIM West / Mark Anquoe
Sunday, March 21st - Richmond
1:00pm at the Native American Health Center - 260 23rd St.
hosted by Communities for a Better Environment and the Native American Health Center
Sunday, March 21st - Berkeley
7:00 PM at the Long Haul Infoshop - 3124 Shattuck Ave.
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