this blog is created as a radical alternative to the number of moderate to conservative blogs from the concord area. for better or worse, the interwebs have become an important part of our society, and we feel the need to represent our points of view on these interwebs. as we all know, if it isnt on the interwebs it doesnt exist. send hate email to qnieinsone at gmail.
Quick Cash Loans, 2
Keep cars, computers and other work-related equipment running so you can
keep earning! Due dates for your payday loans are usually upon your next
payroll ...
Public Meeting for Oak Knoll Mixed Use Community
A 935-unit mixed-use community is proposed for the former Oak Knoll Naval
Medical Center. EBCNPS generally supports redevelopment in urban areas,
but comm...
On Hiatus, A Personal Note from an Editor
We realize our last post was kind of along the lines of, damn, we got this.
Due to a variety of contributing factors, but mostly the boring kind:...
Has the Contra Costa Times become useless
After the recent Walnut Creek election where the Times had an agenda,
do you read it more or have you given it up? Can you depend on the Times
to br...
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